Other reservations

Your trip doesn’t end with the flight. Check out what else you can book.
What if you could add a hotel, tours and activities to your reservation? Here you can find a range of other bookings you can add to your flight reservation. Travel with everything organized right from the start.

Organize your trip

Here you can rent a car, book a hotel where you want to stay and even book activities you plan to do when you get there.
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Rent a car before you reach your destination, inside or outside the country.
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Choose your hotel with us and get special rates. A TAP and Booking.com partnership.
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Tours and Activities
Plan your trip to get the most out of your stay.
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Choose between a private or executive transfer, with 24-hour a day, 7-day a week customer support.
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Transport between Galicia and Porto
We offer the passengers of our flights a shuttle bus service between the city of Vigo, in Galicia, and the airport of Porto.
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Airport Parking
Drive to the airport in your own car and leave it in a Car Park. It will be safe until you get back.
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Europe by plane and train
Combine TAP flights with high-speed train trips. Discover the center of European cities.
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Rail & Fly Germany
Hand-in-hand trains with TAP in Germany. Enjoy these advantages.
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Royal Caribbean
TAP takes you to your dream cruise.
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Discover our special offers and benefits for your convention.
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Baggage deposit
Leave your bags and discover the city.
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Round the world trip
Take a trip round the world.
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Charter flights
Benefit from a more personalized flight by booking charter flights! Discover the service and make a request for pricing.
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